Naval Station, Norfolk
The work included structural and electrical repairs and surface preparation/repainting of eight smoke stacks at Building P-1. Structural repairs included, but was not limited to, replacing guy wires, re-tensioning all existing and new guy wires, replacing velocity caps, replacing all structural bolts, repairing damaged inner liner and outer shell areas on stacks, and replacing damaged welds. Electrical repairs, included, but was not limited to, replacement of smoke stack platform step-down transformers, disconnect switches, power panels, conduit and wirings, flood lighting, receptacles, obstruction lighting systems and demolition of the opacity metering equipment on the stacks. The most challenging aspect of the smoke stack project was the engineering involved with the scaffolding as a majority of the scaffolding had to be placed on the rooftop. Considerations included building integrity, live load, dead load, wind factor and hurricane preparations. Ultimately, two of the stack were demolished utilizing a unique system designed by HCC that took just a week for complete removal of the stacks.